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Ferromek - Smooth growth curve

Bernhard Åkerlund founded Ferromek in 1981 together with a colleague. Both already had ten years of experience in the metal industry. An old hen house on Åkerlund's farm was converted to serve as a workshop. Bernhard's father acted as spokesman for the newly formed company and recruited the first customer, who is still a customer of Ferromek.

Ferromek historiaa

CNC machining since the 1990s

In the beginning, the company mostly manufactured transportation trestles for the maritime industry and parts for mink trucks and front loaders. As the subcontracting assignments grew, the opportunity was seen in the early 1990s to expand into CNC turning and CNC milling, which weren’t so common in Finland at the time.

A few years later, Bernhard Åkerlund became the sole owner and the company has been in the Åkerlund family's ownership ever since. The business continued to develop and grow, and the profits generated have been reinvested in the company. The staff is an important part of the business and, over the last 20 years, the number of employees has grown steadily from a handful to around 50 employees today.

Hallbarhetspris kestavan kehityksen palkinto 2024

A progressive company

In 2000, a larger space was required for the then five employees and a growing machine park. A new production hall was built in the industrial area next to European route E8 in Kronoby. The hall has been expanded three times since then and now comprises approximately 1,500 square meters of production space, offices and fine social areas for the staff. In 2020, a hall was purchased on the neighbouring plot, which was renovated into a new, modern welding hall, ready to receive customers' orders.

The son and current CEO, Kim Åkerlund, has been involved since childhood. After Kim finished his studies, the company was divided in 2004 into two companies, Ab Ferromek Oy, which Kim joined as a part-owner, and before that, Kb Ferromek Ky, which was transformed into a real estate company.

Today, Ferromek is an esteemed and reliable partner for companies all over Finland. The quality of the work, the expertise and a willingness to always deliver have led to long customer relationships.

Ferromek is owned by Bernhard Åkerlund and Kim Åkerlund.

Kb Ferromek Ky was founded
Acquisition of the first CNC-lathe
The first factory hall is built
Ab Ferromek Oy was founded, and Kim becomes a business partner
A 500m² expansion of the facilities is finished
The Strongest in Finland-certificate
ISO 9001 certification
ISO 14001 Environmental Management certification
Welding services are initiated
Expansion of social rooms and storage space, welding area is enlarged
Kim becomes CEO of Ferromek
Mesmec’s CNC-operations are acquired by Ferromek and moved to Kruunupyy
Kruunupyy Company of the year award
New welding hall and bigger investments in welding operations
Ferromekille Kruunupyyn kunnan Kestävän kehityksen palkinto 2024
Egumaster Oy myy CNC-koneistusliiketoimintansa Ferromekille